Department of Computer Science
Chair V

University of Bonn -> Department of Computer Science -> Chair V
CS-Reports 2014 Copyright 2014 University of Bonn, Department of Computer Science, Chair V

85346 Approximate Counting of Matchings in (3,3)-Hypergraphs
Andrzej Dudek, Marek Karpinski, Andrzej Rucinski and Edyta Szymanska
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85347 Generalized Wong Sequences and Their Applications to Edmonds' Problems
(Revised Version)

Gabor Ivanyos, Marek Karpinski, Youming Qiao and Miklos Santha
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85348 Limits of CSP Problems and Efficient Parameter Testing
Marek Karpinski and Roland Marko
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85349 Complexity of Nondeterministic Graph Parameter Testing
Marek Karpinski and Roland Marko
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85350 A QPTAS for the Base of the Number of Triangulations of a Planar Point Set
Marek Karpinski, Andrzej Lingas and Dzmitry Sledneu
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85351 Approximation Hardness of Graphic TSP on Cubic Graphs
(Revised Version)

Marek Karpinski and Richard Schmied
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Last Change: 11/03/14 at 09:53:29
University of Bonn -> Department of Computer Science -> Chair V